Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Whitterer 07 24 2013

Whittier is the head of the Passage Canal on Prince William Sound.     Whittier was created by the US Army during WWII as a port and petroleum delivery center tied to bases farther north by the Alaska Railroad.  The port was valued for it ice-free deep-water and now its economy rests largely on the fishing industry and tourism.   The ship “Exxon Valdes” grounded on Bligh Reef near Valdes and the oil spill had a great inpack on Prince William Sound.  The ship carried 53 million gallons of crude oil and released 11 million gallons into the ocean.   There was a $900 million civil settlement for restoration of injured resources and services.  Jack and I took a cruise on a catamaran into Prince William Sound to see 26 major glacier of the 1000 glacier within the Sound.    Prince William Sound is 2,100 square miles of islands and fjords (inlets and creeks) and the Chugach National forest.  We saw many glaciers (got very close to two glacier), sea otter, eagle, porpoises, sea lion, seal gull, Black-legged Kittiwake and lots of waterfalls.  
The Klondike Express is the catamaran that Jack and I took out into the Sound.         

The following pic are taken from the catamaran.   
I hope that you enjoy the glacier and animals as much as we did.     

Sea lion     

Sea lion and their babies.    The tan colored ones are the babies.  

The porpoises came for a visit, but we were not fast enough to get them on film.       


Ice in the water from a glacier.       

Sea otter    

Sea otter with their babies on the bellies very close to their heads.  

One of the sea otter( in the back of pic)  is very close to having her baby.      


Ice in the water from a glacier.       

This glacier is just cavies.   Caving is when part of the glacier brakes off into the water.  See the splash in the middle of the pic.   

A better pic of a glacier caving.  See the splash?

Jack and Barb by Barry Glacier.       


Jack and Barb by Surprise Glacier.

Check out the water coming from under the glacier.       

A great waterfall.       

All the dots on the sea cliffs and the birds in the water are Black-legged Kittiwake.   There more than 10,000 Kittiwake that nests in the surrounding sea cliffs.   

More Kittiwakes.       

Kittiwake in flight.      

The last waterfall that I saw in the Prince William Sound.    

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