Saturday, 27 July 2013

Valdez 07 2013 Animals other than Bears

We did find other wild life and not so wild life in and around Valdez’s.     We found sled dogs, pink salmon, sea galls, sea lions and young and older bald eagles.   How could I forget to mention that we even saw a two legged animal fishing for salmon?   
Tammy found  a sled dog team behind the garage where they were staying.  It was neat watching how they would get the dogs out of their enclosure and connect them to a 4 wheeler.      

The must hold the dogs front paws off the ground until they get them into the harness.     They are so strong and eager to run that if they are on all 4 paws they will pull you right off your feet.     

And they are off.      

Hello,  how far to Anchorage and the Holiday Inn??

  Pink Salmon that are caught on the wrong side of the fence.

A gate that is to keep the salmon from going into a little stream.  It did not seem to work to well.   

Groups of Pink Salmon waiting to get into the fish hatchery.     

Sea galls feeding on the Pink Salmon.     
Sea lions feeding on the Pink Salmon.  

Two sea lions feeding on Pink Salmon.       

 He has a salmon.

The place where all the bears, eagles, sea galls and sea lions all go to feed on the Pink Salmon.   

The Pink Salmon in the fish ladder. 
The pools full of Pink Salmon wait their turn to get rid of their eggs.   

A fully grown bald eagle.      

An eagle going fishing.    

A bald eagle that is about 4 year old.   He has his white head, but still has some of his brown body feathers.  

A young bald eagle about 2 to 3 years old.  Still brown with little to no white head. 

A two legged animal fish for pink salmon without any equipment.  
 He did not have any luck.  I think he need more practice. 

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