The Salt Flats of UT was not what we expected. The salt flat were flat and then they would
have big ridges (like someone came alone in moved the salt into these neat rows). We figured that the ridges were from the
wind. Before we got to the salt flat we
saw The Great Salt Lake. It was just the
south end, but it was big. There was a
sign about a resort that there in 1881.
We saw a plant for Morton Salt. The
Salt Flat Speed Way is not noticeable from the end of the gravel road. Jack said, “If I had a Jeep we would go out
onto the salt”. We could see other
vehicle and wind surfers out on the salt flats.

Great Salt Lake

Great Salt Lake

Great Salt Lake. The edge of the lake is salt not sand.

Great Salt Lake. The edge of the lake is salt not sand.

Great Salt Lake

Salt in front.

Did you every wonder about Morton Salt. That mount in this pic is salt.

A pile of salt

The processing plant for the salt.

Morton salt anyone?

Salt ponds for the salt plant

Jack on the salt flats.

Jack and Barb on the salt flats.

Out there some where is the speed way.

Out there some where is the speed way.

Out there some where is the speed way.

Out there some where is the speed way.
Way far out are wind surfers. We could see about 20 different surfers.

Out there some where is the speed way.

The salt if mounding up like the waves of sand on a beach.

Going down the road. That is just a reflection on the road not salt or water.

That is just a reflection on the road not salt or water.

More salt and the mountain at the edge of the flats.

And more salt and the mountain at the edge of the flats.

And even more salt and the mountain at the edge of the flats.
It looks like you guys are having a great time! I'm happy for you! :)